The article by Scott Baradell, published on Entrepreneur, argues that the branding industry is largely built on ineffective platitudes and incorrect assumptions. Baradell criticizes common branding advice such as “tell your story,” “define your values,” and “be authentic,” stating these are vague and often ineffective without specifics. He warns businesses against a false sense of progress and insists on a strategy rooted in reality. He demystifies the idea that brand awareness leads to success. Instead, he suggests that credibility should be prioritized over recognition, citing examples of infamous companies like WeWork, Theranos, and MoviePass whose brand awareness did not translate into trust or success. Moreover, he challenges the popular notion of having a compelling “why” or mission statement, asserting that customers are more concerned with the value a brand can offer rather than the reasons behind its inception. Lastly, he questions the ambiguity of brands being ‘authentic’, cautioning that it often leads to oversharing, controversy, or inappropriate casualness that can backfire.

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