In a marketing environment impacted by artificial intelligence (AI), the tactic of disruptive storytelling is becoming more relevant. The use of AI in marketing can be both exhilarating and daunting. It opens up new avenues for creativity, allowing those without traditional artistic or writing skills to create content, and offers new opportunities to people with disabilities. However, as AI continues to advance, it could potentially threaten the careers and skill sets of marketers, as it often produces competent, or even superior, content.

Marketers need to identify areas where they can leverage their unique human capabilities. Storytelling is one such area where marketers can bring a unique perspective and humanity to their narrative, differentiating themselves from AI-generated content and other brands.

An anecdote about a drone show promoting a new television series inspired this approach. The drone show ended with a QR code, which, when scanned, led the viewer to a trailer for the series. This event led to the realization of the need for compelling stories that could capture attention in an increasingly noisy world.

The agency responsible for the drone show, Giant Spoon, provided further insight into creative marketing which led to the writing of the book, Audacious: How Humans Win in an AI Marketing World. The book identifies a pattern or

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