In this article by Nick Zviadadze, it is revealed that 96.55% of all pages receive no organic traffic from Google. To increase visibility and traffic, Zviadadze emphasizes the importance of mastering SEO writing and producing high-quality content that aligns with search engine algorithms and user search behavior. SEO content is written to rank highly on Google and other search engines using keywords that the target audience is searching for. The content should provide valuable information that answers user’s queries, use clear and engaging language, incorporate keywords naturally, and structure content with headings and subheadings. It should also include internal and external links to improve credibility and user experience.

Writing SEO content can improve website rankings and visibility, attract organic visitors, engage readers longer, increase brand awareness and authority, and improve conversion rates. The article also provides tips for good SEO writing. It starts with picking the right keyword that has a solid search volume but is not too competitive. For example, if you’re a small ecommerce business selling running shoes, targeting keywords like “breathable running shoes for hot weather” is recommended as it is easier to rank for and can drive targeted leads to your website without much effort. SEO tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs

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