Google has announced a refinement of its ads quality systems to better ascertain users’ intent and expectations during their search experience. The goal is to create more helpful ads experiences on Google Search. The company noted that it can be frustrating for users to click on a search ad and land on a page that doesn’t match their expectations or is difficult to navigate. To address this, Google has developed a new prediction model. This model improves Google’s ability to understand and predict if a search ad leads to an unexpected destination and lacks helpful navigation options. Consequently, Google can now reduce the number of such ads, decreasing negative experiences for users. The update also emphasizes the importance of relevant content and easy-to-navigate landing pages. If advertisers’ landing pages are currently not navigable, Google recommends improving site navigation. The changes aim to improve the search experience for users and provide long-term value to advertisers. Google will continue to refine its ads quality systems as search evolves.

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