In an interview with Entrepreneur UK, Tracey Shirtcliff, founder and CEO of SCOPEBetter, shares her insights on how artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising service delivery. Shirtcliff sees AI as a transformative tool that will affect every area of business, with its real advantage being in its ability to streamline routine procedures. By automating tasks such as transcribing meeting notes or predictive texting, AI is able to save businesses countless hours, freeing up time for other tasks. However, with AI performing time-consuming tasks, billable hours may decrease. To counteract this, SCOPEBetter recommends a shift to deliverable-based pricing, allowing businesses to benefit from AI’s efficiencies without losing income. Shirtcliff also believes that AI could be particularly disruptive for smaller companies, enabling small teams to accomplish more and potentially reduce outsourcing. It could also automate tasks requiring specialist skills, reducing overheads and allowing for increased business investment.

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